Tuesday 8 December 2015

Paris | France

01 Dec - 06 Dec

I don't really know where to begin with this trip... I feel like my Italy trip was so successful that it immediately skyrocketed my expectations for my French trip. It could've also been that I've been romanticising Paris in my mind for so long that the pure joy never really surfaced upon arrival. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm regretful or disappointed, but I feel I could have enjoyed the trip MORE with just a few adjustments. They're just petty little things that range from hotel to company, etc. Don't get me wrong. The people I went with are my friends. The hotel was definitely decent. But it's difficult traveling with a considerably large group (5 people... I'll elaborate in a moment) & a hotel within closer proximity to central Paris would have been preferable. Back to the 5 people issue... Traveling with more than a couple of people gets complicated, because a lot of compromises & sacrifices have to be made in order to satisfy all participants. It's a bit disheartening when you've come so far from home, and you find out you can't quite experience everything you've been wanting to experience. Everyone also enjoys things on different levels, so it's extremely vital to share memories with those on the same playing field as you. **disclaimer: This doesn't mean I see any less of my friends. I'm just acknowledging the complications of differences.

Everyone has friends in their life, but under different circumstances because the chemistry flows differently in different friendships in your life. Just because you're close with certain people, doesn't mean you are meant to be roommates. The chemistry in this instance just didn't flow as smoothly, because everyone has different ideas on touristing efficiency. I have always been a list person. I like checking things off & seeing what I've accomplished. But life isn't just about checking things off of a list. It's everything in between that no one can see. I thought that I would immediately fall in love with a city if I would just be able to SEE certain things. Once again, not true with my nature. I realize now that I'm the type of traveler that prefers experience over observation. I don't like being in a rush. I understand the importance of seeing historical sites, but if we're always rushing from place to place, we're missing everything in between. We're missing the culture & the simple, every-day life of a Parisian. I felt that was the biggest thing lacking from my trip - culture. I like finding a middle ground between touristing and getting a taste of culture. I don't know what I was expecting, but I do know it was lacking. Maybe I was just waiting for one of those, "it was better than I imagined moments," and it never really did happen.

One day, I hope I'm given the opportunity to return and give this city another chance by seeing/experience the Parisian life with a new perspective. I want to love this city, I really do. It's so beautiful. French cuisine is no joke (bread, pastries, delicacies, sweets, all of the above). Disneyland Paris was absolutely magical. The Louis Vuitton flagship store imprinted a phenomenal feeling.


Being an art geek, I love how the history intertwines with the art. Claude Monet is my FAVORITE artist of all time, hands down.

I got a bit emotional when I was in the presence of a Monet painting at the Louvre for the first time in my life. I was so in awe and everything seemed so surreal. Did I get to check everything off my Parisian bucket list? YES (: However, as of right now, I love the idea of Paris rather than just simply loving the city itself. This doesn't mean I'm any less grateful for the opportunity. There were MANY highlights throughout this trip that mainly revolved around site-seeing. I'm just eager to go back to see what else Paris has to offer.

"Many are saying of me, 'God will not deliver him.' But you, O LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high." - Psalm 3:2-3

Lieben Immer,

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